Saturday, 30 January 2016

Alternatives to Breast Implants

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures today. There are many women who are insecure about the size and contours of their breasts. Breast augmentation helps women achieve the desired shape and size of breasts. Mostly, this procedure is performed by placing implants in the breasts. Breast implant surgery is an invasive procedure that involves making incisions. There are many women who want to enhance their breasts but are not willing to go under the knife. If you are also one of them, you must be in search of effective but less invasive alternative to breast implants.
What are the breast implant alternatives? Variety of methods are available that can help you achieve the desired size of breasts but here we will discuss two most popular, less invasive and very effective alternatives. These alternatives are:

Fat transfer

Fat transfer breast augmentation is an effective alternative of breast implants. In this procedure, woman’s own fat is used to increase the size of breasts. It is minimal invasive procedure that is performed under local anesthesia. Patient is completely awake during the procedure. Unlike breast implant surgery, it does not involve any incision. During the procedure, fat is extracted from certain areas of body with the help of extremely tiny cannulas. Abdomen, thighs and buttocks are mostly the donor areas. The extracted fat tissues are then processed and purified fat is injected in the breasts with extremely tiny needles. As the procedure does not involve any incisions, it causes no scarring and recovery time is also minimal. Fat transfer has many benefits on breast implants. Some of them are:
·         Local anesthesia is used to perform this procedure.
·         There is no need of making longer incisions.
·         As the procedure is performed using your own tissues, there is no chance of reaction.
·         This procedure does not cause capsule formation.
·         There is no risk of hardening or wrinkling.
·         There is no risk of deflating or leaking.

Macrolane injections

Macrolane injections are another non-surgical and latest alternative to breast implants. Macrolane is injectable filler that is injected in the breasts to give them volume. Macrolane is made up of hyaluronic acid, the fluid that is naturally produced in the body – mainly in eyes and joints. This treatment can increase the size of breasts to a cup or two but gives natural looking results. It is a short and virtually pain free treatment. The only downside of this procedure is that its results are temporary and you will need repeated treatments. Macrolane treatment has also many benefits. Have a look on some of them.
·         The treatment is non-surgical and virtually painless.
·         It involves no incisions and therefore, there is no chance of visible scarring.
·         No severe side effects are associated with this treatment.
·         It gives immediate and natural looking results.
·         It requires no downtime and minimal recovery time.
Above mentioned procedures are no doubt effective alternatives to breast implants and many other options are also available but before going through any type of procedure, make sure to research about all the important aspects. Consult highly experienced plastic surgeon for best recommendations.

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